Why hire consultants from us?
We offer the most cost-effective, value-producing, and time-efficient Big Data, Information Management, Analytics and Life Sciences consulting services in the world. We achieve this through pairing the finest professionals together with the organizations prepared to leverage their expertise.
Based on continuous client feedback, we have honed our business processes in order to:
Develop and source from a rich and dynamic knowledge base: Selective Search, our 32 year-old parent company, has worked in the Information Management and Data Management marketplaces since 1986. With a database of more than 10,000 professionals, we boast relationships with the best. We know who's good, what they're good at, what they're interested in, and what environments they work best in.
Give you more for your money: We mind the bottom line. We charge our client firms less and pay our consultants more than would our competitors by taking less off the top. We understand the value our consultants bring to the consultant/client relationship and work to deliver that value in a cost-effective manner.
Pick the best consultant for your situation: We're experts in hand-selecting the right Big Data pro for your project. We scour te market to identify consultants who not only meet your needs, but also have reputations for delivering their worth. Our selection process goes far beyond reading resumes and superficial technical interviews. We investigate the talent we represent much the way a investigational reporter would. Trust us, we have our sources.
What this means for you is no pretense, wasted time, or wasted money. For our consultant partners, it means no nervous sweat, except that which is earned through applying their expertise to your challenging project. And for us? The satisfaction earned through pairing those in need of expertise with the experts that they need and watching all parties involved flourish.
We have followed one simple principle for more than a quarter century: We succeed only when our client firms and the professionals we represent succeed....
We welcome the opportunity to talk with you about how we might work together.
Contact Virginia Backaitis:
Virginia (at) BrilliantLeap (dot) com
or call (973)744-8164.
Contact Stuart Zeh:
Stuart (at) BrilliantLeap (dot) com
or call (973)744-9009.